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A Mans Bar with a difference.                                                                                               V1


Mans Finds a Bar Under his House !

The Skull and Cross Bones Pub, or Lazza's Pirate Bar.

Here is a bit of a a look at my Pirate Bar under my house

June, 2007
I recently acquired a few square meters of floor space under my house. My son was living there but had moved out with his Girlfriend.

The area was about the size of a garage and had a car port just outside that was accessible via a sliding glass door, it also had a toilet and was near the laundry room.

Within a week, I built in the car port  with some latice work. Threw in a  few chairs, tables and a BBQ  to claim and claimed it as an entertainment area.

I then went to work on the inside and lined the walls with hessian, the ceiling with black plastic and  bird netting. (to look like a fishing net).

I purchased a glass top bar, a few stools, bar fridge etc,  then went to my flag collection in the garage and pulled out an assortment of pirate flags.

I also had a small collection of immitation skulls and ornaments to adorn the bar area with.

Throw in a big Screen TV / Stereo and some alcohol and I'm ready for a party.

Oh, and the adjoining Loo is a treat too. The walls are painted chalkboard black, two small pirate flags line the ceiling. I threw in a few pirate pics and sign as well as a security camera that takes your picture once your seated. (believe it, or not! )

About this site

Well if you haven't worked it out as yet, the theme is Pirate Related.

It is truly amazing at what crap you can find around nowadays that is "Pirate related"

Throw it all into a room , a few coloured lights, music etc and the atmosphere is great.

A mysterious Pirate type figure is often seen browsing around the bar area !